It  therefore, becomes pertinent to discuss these findings so as to help   in  improvement  of the education process especially in the area of study.  From the  analysis  work, it has been found that academic performance of secondary school students  are generally poor. There are some factors which counselors  stated that contributed to such poor academic performance of secondary   school students. They  are as follows: inadequate school environment, inadequate school supervision Scio-economic status of the parents, lack of qualified personnel,  poverty,  inadequate facilities for learning, incompetence of the teachers and students  themselves.

All  or some of these factors combine to influence the academic   performance of students negatively thus teaching   to poor  results. These require urgent action to our education   system  to ensure a brighter future of the development of this nation.
The  identified possible effects  or poor academic performance of students like   inability to defend ones certificate , examination mal- practice are not good   men  for the  youths who are the future leaders. Some of the things that can lead to examination mal-practice such as unconducive environment needs to be addressed by the government because, some parents cannot provide all the necessary requirements for their  wards.

Based or the findings the researchers  wish to make the following  recommendations.
q.       Government, private organizations and individuals concerned with the business of education   should endeavor to address the obstacles hindering effective academic performance of students. This can be done by developing some motivation   measures for students through achievement training.
r.        there is need for the recognition of individual differences in students and the  need to deal with them accordingly. Consellors should provided the necessary assistance and psychological support for students from varying family backgrounds so to overcome their emotional problems
s.       There is also need to keep enlightening the parents of the importance of the home structure on the live of children . This is necessary so that parents can  understand the implications an consequences of parental separation and thus   mobilize all resources to curtail the problem arising from the situation.
t.        Generally, there is need to combat the continuing declining state of education  by providing more funds and materials for the fulfillment    of our educational system
u.      School counselors should be employed in institution of learning and adequate a supervision to be put in place ensure provision of necessary guidance services to students