This research project is aimed at making a modest contribution to the eradication of examination malpractice in our various institution of  learning especially secondary schools in Ikwo Local Government Area. The project will try to find out the causes of examination malpractice in the schools and its adverse effect on the educational system. It will also try to proffer solution to the problem caused by this ugly trend.

The background of the study
The genesis of examination malpractice in Nigeria can be traced to 1914 when the senior Cambridge examination leaked.
There was leakage in the west African Examination Council in 1963, Omotos (1988). The historical background or the origin of examination in Ikwo Local Government Area in particular and Nigeria in general cannot be unaccompanied with indiscipline and the corruptive nature of the society today. Oxford advance learner’s Dictionary (1999:711) defined malpractice as unacceptable behaviour by somebody in professional or official position. The Michael west English Dictionary defined malpractice as wrong doing. The act of malpractice start from home’ most families today do not inculate in their children the right attitudes and these bad conducts are carried out to the society.
There is also the biblical reference of wrong doing where Jacob wrongly look away his brother’s birth right (Gen.27:1-29) the existence of malpractice is as old as the world and has eaten deep into the jabric of our lives, including political, economical and educational aspect. Politically, there is electoral and educational aspect politically, there is electoral malpractice, which includes rigging of election and gerrymandering that is favouring one party at the expenses of others in the delimitation of the constituencies, Okpata F.O and etal (200).
Economically, Nigeria losses more than fifty (N50) million naira every month are as salaries to non-existence workers. Public funds are now routinely doled out to political alliecs and personal friends in the disquide of contacts to execute public work of our kind or another. Chima Achebe (1983)
Educationally, according to Thyen (1974:33) the purpose of examination are among others:
a.         To ascertain whether a specified standard has been reached.
b.         To select a given number of candidates
c.         To test the efficiency of teaching and learning
d.         To evaluate each candidates subsequent performance
e.         To predict each candidates subsequent performance
IN education context, examination are ways of testing systematically to determine the extent to which students achieve intuitional objectives. It becomes clear that when one’s knowledge or ability is tested any act of wrongdoing shall be a negation of the aims and objectives for which the examination were set up. In 1970 there were regulates and malpractice in west African school certificates examination. The 1981 leakage were however, the most wades pared, the worst in the history, of West African Examination Council (WAEC) Nigeria Omotoso etal (1998).
There are different types of examination malpractice which includes the followings:
1.     Mass cheating/co-operation: This involves: the students or learners, teachers, invigilators and the principals.
2.     Impersonation: This is the method of paying someone else to write the exam or by contract.
3.     Bribe: This is giving money, sex, gift to encourage cheating.
4.     Foreign material: This is bringing of answer aids into the exam hall. It is commonly called Expo, Bullet, Mgbo, chips Omokirikiri etc.
5.     Leakage: This system of getting the question before the exam
6.     Clearance fee: This is a levy imposed all the student by the school to settle the invigilator so as to allow malpractice in the whole school.
7.     Special Centress: These are private expensive places where one can get certificates without any effort
8.     Threats and assoutl: This is special way cults guys students and everyone.
9.     Sign and codes: These are secrete operation use to pass answers to the students.
10.Mass promotion: promotion every students by up grading them because of money or favour.
11.Sales of handout: This is carried out in higher institution by lecturers at exorbitants price and threatens students to buy or jail.
The following people are involved in examination malpractices. They includes: principals, invigilators, Teachers, Parents, Typist, friends, clergyment and women and even the government.
The consequences of examination are:
1.     It results to indiscipline and laziness.
2.     It creates wasted life, fustration and agony
3.     it brings shame disgrace to one’s family and the country.
4.     It brings fake and forgery of identity
5.     Reduces the standard and value of a country.
6.     It produces a lawless and disordered society.
In this researcher, my focus is mainly on external examination in some selected secondary school in Ikwo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.
In fact, what happen is some, if not most of our secondary schools whenever external examination is going on, your guess is as good as mine. This gives me sleepless night because our society eventually must be at receiving ends, since those students are the leaders of tomorrow.
I strongly believed that there is no need for a prophet to predict that eschewing examination malpractice is the only condition to restore the lost glories in our educational sector. Another reason also is to find out the solution to the problem of examination malpractice in our secondary school in Ikwo in particular and the society in general.
                       STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM
The problems created by examination malpractice have eaten deep into the fabric of our lives.
A trip down the memory lane of the eradication of examination malpractice in secondary schools in Ikwo Local Government Area is no novel concept. Right from the first secondary established in 1976 which is Ikwo High school Agusia there have been rivary and hospility culminating in examination malpractice which led to the production of half baked teachers and people parading with certificates which they cannot defend.
In our country today, there are architects, surveyors, accountants, doctors, engineers, bankers who cannot differentiate their left from right. Examination malpractice is the reason why the quality of private and public sector, policy-making machinery is very poor. Our yesterday is gone forever, our today in mired in Crisis. Tomorrow belongs to us. It is our duty to light against and retrieve our tomorrow from the grip of those who are bent on destroying it.
                        OBJECTIVES (AIM or PURPOSE) OF THE STUDY.
The main purpose of this research is to make a modest contribution to the eradication of examination malpractice with special reference to some selected secondary schools in Ikwo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The study will also discover the basic cause of examination malpractice in varies from one school to another or there generally the same cause all over the Local Government Area. The researcher will review the functions of parents, teachers students examination board which include staff under them who have involved themselves in one-way or the other and suggest how to eradicate such ugly situation.
            Further more, the purpose of the research is to inculcate the habits of reading among the students and also find out the last solution to examination malpractice on the side of students while one the other hand to stamp out get-rich quick syndrome which lures the minds of the examination authorities to materialism.
                        SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
The significance of this research cannot be over emphasized; this is because examination malpractice has more harm than good in our secondary school system and the society at large. For it has helped in the production of half baked students, teachers and people parading with certificate they cannot defend.
The importance of this research is to find out a lasting solution to the problem of examination malpractice in our secondary school here in Ikwo. The findings of this research will help in no small measure to reduce the rate at which examination malpractice triggers fears on the educational system in Ikwo Local Government in years to come.
The research will also help other students who would prefer to carry out their research in the study particularly here in Ikwo.
Conclusively, examination malpractice should be stopped in order to produce qualitative students in our educational system, which will make it rich the zenith of academic excellent.
The following question will form the bedrock of the study.
1.   Can the teacher’s laxity in any way increase the rate of examination malpractice among students?
2.   Is it trued that lack of libraries in our schools contribute to examination malpractice in secondary schools in Ikwo Local Government Area?
3.   will hand-over of secondary schools to the church help to stop examination malpractice in Ikwo Local Government Area.
4.   Is it true assessment that female gender participates more in examination malpractice than the male counterpart
The following question will form the bedrock of the study.
1.   Can the teacher’s laxity in any way increase the rate of examination malpractice among students?
2.   Is it true that lack of libraries in our schools contribute to examination malpractice in secondary schools in Ikwo Local Government Area.
3.   Will hand-over of secondary schools to the church help to stop examination malpractice in Ikwo Local Government Area?
4.   Is it true assessment that female gender participates more in examination malpractice than the male counterpart?
This study shall look into the ways of eradication of examination malpractice in secondary school, Agubia, Ndiagu Echara community secondary school Eka-Awoke community secondary school, community secondary school; Noyo Alike, Girsl High school Ikwo and Urban secondary school, Ndufu Echara.
The scope would have been extended to other secondary school, than these but because of some course of my research such as transport, data collection, unreliasility of some interviewers, financial constrains including crowed programme of the studies in the campus.
Also, due to the limitation of financial constitutions, materials and time resource, the sample may be very small in relation to the entire population.
The Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of current English new edition by A.S Hornby (1999) defines eradication as to destroy something completely, to put an end to something.
EXAMINATION: The oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of current English new edition by A.S Horn by (1999) defines examination as a formal test of somebody’s knowledge or ability especially by means of written questions or practical exercises. In educational context, examinations are ways of testing systematical to determine the extent to which the student achieve instructional objectives.
Then oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of current English new edition by A.S Horn by (1999) defines malpractice as wrongdoing, neglect of duty e.g. dishonest help of a position of trust for personal gain.
From the West Africa Examination Council point view, examination malpractice can be defined as any irregular behaviour exhibited by candidate or anybody charged with the conduct of examination in such examination such behaviour must be a sort of contravention of the rules and regulations governing the conduct of such examination.
However, in common usage especially in contemporary Nigeria, examination malpractice refers to infringement of the prscribe code of conduct and behaviour first by the candidat and then by the teachers, invigilators, parents and markers as well.