Studies have indicated that most adolescents spend the   largest part of their time watering video and films. They also spend quite long time in browsing charting and watching films on internet.  In same vein  the  advent of movies  has internationalized  the  peculiar   cultures of various  societies with mass production  of visual images, videos, television  etc now found   in placed which  were formerly  not  reached by  these media, the world  has eventually become a   global village. The  rate of  which  films and videos are produced  is flooded   with all songs of 
films  in the words of Ijaduola (19990  “most of the films are found not  to be protecting the values and  norms  of our society   but they   are  too  foreign oriented in their cultural projection”
As noted by Filan (2000) television has been found to greatly influence the attitudes, moral, values and behavior of the youths. One common problem of our society now as observed by Ogunsanya (2002) is the unwanted or teenage pregnancy. Research finding Warkins 2001, Zacchius 2002) have shown that sexual activities among the young people have become sporadic.  Adolescents are found to be more active  sexually and this has been attributed to the  negative  influence of mass media  most especially the pornographic  films  which the young are  exposed  to. Shobo (2001) contended that despite the efforts of moderating agencies, many producers are still flooding the market with all forms of exotic pictures. Most films are videos characters serve as role models to the adolescents
On many   news stands we now find magazine, pictures, posters etc on sexually arousing materials. As a result the youths are exposed   to sexual materials before they are mentally ready for them.
The law guiding the purchase and viewing of films are not binding as anybody can obtain and kind of films from video house Wowi (1999) the impact of these films on the sexual attitudes of the youth is enormous. As observed by Owvamamam (2005) film and pictures are forms   of instructional materials through which the young ones acquire new attitude .  But  Kupp (2006)  posited that the Negabive effect of mass media exposure  on  adolescents   including  increase  violence and aggressive behavior  increase high risk behavior  such as alcohol  and  tobacco use  ad accelerated onset  of sexual activity.
It should be noted, however   that the period of adolescents is characterized by physical rapid cognitive moral and social emotional changes. Many scholar Steinberg   and Gragorenko 2001.  Anderson,  2002,  Fyermbo,  2004  Bansal 2006 have described  this period  as a period  of storm and stress  Eric Erickson describes adolescence  as a period of stress identity  versus growth confusion . according to him adolescence period is   divided into  two  namely:  early indolence (13-15) years   and late adolescence (16-18) darling and Steinberg (2003)  awake  2007 opined that adolescence are  confronted  with many  problem which  they  try to find  solutions  to  physical  sensation  for instance  ends to sexual  behavior which responds to biological  changes.  Attentions are drawn on general organs. On  social part they being to develop  amorous relations to opposite sex  to  successfully work with youths, case workers  and providers of  services for adolescents must understand adolescence development and stay  abreast of  those things that an adolescents  need  to learn  and  known as they  move through adolescence into adulthood Ugbe (2000) Zobola  2003.
Nevertheless, school management refers to the sum total of its surrounding as an organization Bourgress (2002).  Practicing and prospective school mangers deserve to posses an appreciation understanding of their environment   in its entirely. As opined by  Ijaduola  (2007b)  many changes  have resulted from  the  pressures emanating  from the environmental  forces orderly    external to the  school but imminently  intimidating it.  The shift   to recognition  of these environmental external and internal   forces  is gradual but  dramatic seen form this angel, the environmental  either nature, social, economic political or  cultural a combination  of some or  all  of these  is an organic  element , expectedly the school grows and develops from the life of the society environment . The changing society as a result of various means of communication and information has made adolescents to be more sexually active. This is  because adolescent  have been fund to be thrilled  by sexual discourse and  information  specifically,  this  study will offer first hand  information to parents on how   adolescents behave towards  sex hence  sensitize the parents  on how guide and monitor  the  films their children  are  exposed to. The study will equally   provide teachers with details information and guidance counselors will via this study have in sights on the sexual  problems faced by  the youth with  a view to  devising  mean of solving them. Finally, it will enable government to put in place programmes that will  enhance moral life of the  youth.
The following four  will hypotheses were developed and tested  in the study
1.       There is no significant difference between sex attitude of student  that watch films  and those who do not.
2.      There is no  significant  difference between junior  and senior secondary  school   students sex attitude
3.      There is no significant  difference between rural  and urban students  sex attitude
4.      There is no significant difference between Christian and ministry students sex attitude. Descriptive survey design was  used in this study  1,200  secondary  school students were randomly  selected form  60 secondary  schools  across the  4  geo-political zones at  20  students per school) the  questionnaire  for  data collection  was administered to the  respondents personally, having  been validated and reliability coefficient established. The sex attitude scale used was developed by Rakesh  1992   and it consisted of   42  items
The four mill hypothesis   generated  and tested in the study were analyzed  employing  the  t-test inferential statistic  at  0.05 revel  of  significance.
film watchers  non film watchers
JSS students
SS students
Rural student
Urban student
Christian students

Muslim Students  /791/29.05/601/

The calculated value of  (2.41) for  Ho is higher than critical value of  1.96 at  1198  degree  of freedom and (0.05)  level of significance. This implies that flair of film watching significantly impact on student’s sex attitude. Therefore the null hypothesis, which stated that there is no significant difference between junior and senior secondary school students sex attitude is   rejected. 
However, the analysis of hypothesis   3  indicated  f – value of  2.07  which is higher than  t- table   1.96 at  1198  degree of freedom  and  0.005  level of significance
This is a clear indication  that school location has  to do with students sex  attitude therefore, there  is significant  difference between   rural  and urban students  attitude as   portrayed in hypothesis 4 , the obtained value of  0.310  is less than the table value of  1.96  at  1198  degree of freedom  and  0.05 level of significant. In view of this it could be asserted that religious affiliation does not exert influence on the sea attitude of students. On this premise the null hypothesis which stated that there is no significant difference between Christian and Muslim students sea attitude is rejected 

It has been established their sexually education  is not  taught in the schools selected  for this study as a large number of respondents affirmed. This  study has been also revealed  that the general assumption that  both male and  female  students in  the   selected secondary school  will  not  have the  same attitude  and  knowledge about sex  is true, as more female than male respondent  demonstrated good  attitude  and  knowledge  about sexuality. This revelation  affects  to the  researches findings  of Warkins  (2001) which had  earlier  established the fact  that sexual activities and   exploration among  the youths  have become sporadic  as a result of the negative influence  of mass media as well as  the  phonograph films to which  the young once  are exposes  similarly   the manifestation by this study that age does not  constitute  hindrance to student  had been  buttressed in similar  studies by Adebinpe and  Akinde (1994)  who contended  that youths  are exposed to  are mentally mature and  reading for them. As they argue  further, this  ugly development  is not unconnected with the  fact that the laws guiding  the  purchase and viewing of  films  are not binding as anybody can obtain any kind of films  from video homes

Finally, sex attitude is natural and health part of living and  that all sexual decision have  effects or consequences that youths also accepted  that ignorance of facts about sexuality can lead  to unplanned  pregnancy and  allied negative consequences while abstinence  is the best protection  against  unwanted pregnancy and sexually  transmitted  diseases  including  HIV/AID  these had  been attested  to by Kupp (2006)  that the  negative consequence of  mass media exposure on  youth  include increase violence  aggressive behavior, increase high risk behaviour such  as alcohol   and  tobacco  use and accelerated on sep of sexual activities  which is   cautioned by Ogunsanya (2002)  could  lead to  unwanted or  teenage pregnancy 

One many  rest this discussion of sex attitude   of students on the premise that a school  managers style of leadership  must address the situational   forces as the school preferred  pressure  of time and  even  environmental factors  all of which may affect  students  attitudes towards a  particular  phenomena. There was little   or no concern for   the external  environment school management  practitioners  assumed  and  some what correctly that things   could be done on the  same way and  manner they were done before   then and since the presences  but  an  extension of  the past, there was no  need  to act differently.  Evenly how, today’s world is by far very different from the yester years. Many external forces and pressures with related agenda and manifesters are getting organized powerfully along recognizable institutional patterns

Adegoke A.A 2003 Adolescent in Africa Ibadan Hadessah
Publishing Co. Ademosun A.A 207

Burgress A.P (2002) Affects of Three Principle Styles on School
Improvement Human  Communication  

Bansal R. 2006 Motivational Determinant of  problem  solving
task in peer presence conditions a summary of  reviews Ibdian journal of  psychology and  education (4)  pp 75-83     

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