The history of the internet began with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s the public was fist introduced to the internet when   a message was sent from computer science professor  Leonard Kleinr  ocks  laboratory at university of California, los  Angeles  (UCLA), after the second piece of network equipment was installed at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) . This connection not only enabled the first transmission to be made, but is also considered to be the first intent backbone 

     This began the point - to – point communication between maintain  computers  and then early research  into packet swatting  pacet witched networks 
     Such as Arpanet, marri  at MPL in the UK,   Cyclades, merit network, tynet, and telent , were developed    of protocols   for intent working where  multiple separate networks could b joined together  into a network of networks   19669:  the  Arpanet.
     Arpaet was the first real network to run on pacacet  sweetening technology on the October   29  1969 , computers    at Stanford   and (UCLA) connected for the first time. In effect  they  were  the first hosts on  what would one day become   the internet . The first message sent across the   network was supposed to be login ., but  reportedly,   the line between the  two colleges crashed on the letter ‘g’
1969  UNIX
     Another  major  milestone dung the  60s  was the inception of  UNIX ; the operating system whose design   heavily  influenced that  of UNIX and  fee BSD ( The  operating  systems most popular in today web serves web hosting   services )
1970:  Arpanet network
     An Arpanet network was  established between Harvard,  MIT, and BBN  the company that   created  the  interface message processor computers used to correct to the network  in 11970
1971 email
     The email was first  developed in  1971   by ray  Tomlinson, who also made the decision to use the  @  symbol to separate the user name  from the computer  name  (which later on became the domain name )
1971 : Project   Gutenberg  and Ebooks 
     One of the most impressive developments of 1971   was the start of projects Gutenberg . project Gutenberg for those  unfamiliar with the site, is a global effort   to make  books  and documents in  the  public   domain available    electronically  for  free in a   variety  of ebook and electronic  formats . it  began when Michael hart gained access  to a large bloc of computing time  and came  to the   realization  that the future of computer wasn’t in  computing itself, but in the storage, retrieval and searching  of information  that, at the time, was only contained in   libraries . he  manually typed  (No OCR at  the time)  the                “ declaration of   independence” and launched project  Gutenberg to make information contained in books widely  available in electronic form in effect, this was the  birth of the ebook
1972  cyclades
     France began its own Arpanet like project in  1972   called Cyclades while Cyclades was eventually shut down it did  pioneer a key idea . The host computer  should  be  responsible  for data   transmission rather  than  the  network  itself
1973, with the university college  of London. During   the same   years email accounted   for 75%  of all Arpanet network  activity
1974  the  beginning of TCP  ITP  
     1974  was a breakthrough year  a  proposal was  published to link area like networks together into a so called  inter networks which  would have no central control and would work around a transmission control protocol (which  auenturally  become  TCP (TP)   1975.  The email Client
     With the popularity for emailing, the first modern  email  program was developed by john vital a programmer at  the  university of  southern   California in  1975.  the biggest   technological advance this program called  MSG ) made was  the addition of  ‘reply” and ‘forward”  functionality
1977:  The PC Modern
1977: The PC modem
     1977  was a gig year for the development  of  the  internet as we know it today.   The first PC modem , was developed by Dennis   itayes and Dale healtherington, was introduced and initially sold to computer hobbyists 
1978; the bulletin board system (BBS) 
     The first bulletin board system (BBS)  was developed during  a blizzard  in Chicago in  1978 
1978 SPAM is born 1978  is also the year that   brought  the first   unsolicited commercial email message  (Later  known as  spam) sent  out to  California Arpanet users  by Gary  Thueric  .   1979  : MUD   The earliest form of multiplayer games  
     The precursor to world of war craft and second life was developed in  1979  , and was called MUD (short  for   multiuser  dungeon ) MUDS  were   entirely text based virtual  worlds , combining elements of role paying games,   interactive, fiction, and  online chart
1979  Usenet 
     Usenet was created   by two graduate  students  it is an internet based discussion  system allowing people  around the globe to discuss about a particular topic by posting   public  message 
1980  Enquire software 
     The  European  organization  for nuclear research  (better known as  (erm)  launched enquire written by Tim  Bernars lee),  a hypertext program that allowed scientists at  the particle physical using   hypertext  (hyperlinks ) 
1982  the first emotion
while many people credit  Levin Macleazie with the  invention of the emotion in  1979  it was Scott Eghlman  in  1982   who proposed using  
1983  Arpanet computers witch over to TCP  IP 
     January  1 ,  1983    was the   deadline for  Arpanet computers to switch over to the TCP/TP  protocols developed 
The domain name system was created in  1984   along with the first domain name serves  (DMS ) the domain  name system  was important in that it made addresses on the internet more human  friendly compared to  its  numerical  IP address counterparts DMS  servers  allowed internet users to type in an easy  to remember domain name and then  converted it to the IP address  automatically.
1985 virtual communities
     1985 brought the development of the reell (whole  earth  electronic link ) IT  was deviled by Stewart  Brand and Larry brilliant in February of  85
1986 protocol wars
Protocol wars began in 1986 
1987  the internet grows
1988  IRC internet relay chat
     It was  developed, paving the way for real time  chart and  the intent messaging programs we  use today    1988  first major malidosus internet based attack . the first major internet worms was released   in 1988,   the Morris worm”  written by Robert Tappai Morris  
1989: AOL  is  launched
     When  apple  pulled out of the apple link program in  1989 ,  the project was  reared and America online was born  . In that same year the proposal for the world wide web was written by Tim Burners’ lee . it was written to persuade   CERM’s  bet interest . it was originally called  ‘mesh ‘  the  (WWW)  “ world  Wide Web” was  coined  while burners  lee was writing the code in  1990  
1990  first commercial cail  UPISP
     1990  also brought about the first commercial  dial up  internet provider, the world . in that same year world wide  web protocols finished
1991  first  web  page created
     The first web page was created and  is  purpose was to explain what the world  wide web was . Also in  that same year the first search protocol that  examined file contents instead of just file name was launched called gopher. In that same year MPS  becomes  a standard . Also the first web can was deployed at a  Cambridge university   computer lab, and its sole purpose  was to monitor a particular cottee  maker so  that  lab user could 
Avoid  wasted  trips to an  empty cottee pot . 
     1993 mosaic  first graphical  web browser for the  general public Moscuc, was rein  1993 , it is consider  the  first  browser   to make   the internet easily accessible  to non-teaches. That same year governments join in on the  
1994  Metscape Maingator
1995 : commercialization of the internet, also   geocitis  the variation goes online and Java Script, that same year  the Vatican also went online for the  first time  
1996. First web based  (webmail ) Service
     In  1996, hotmail, the first Webmail Service, Was Launched
1997 :  He term “weblog”  is coined
1998: FRIST   new storey to be broken online instead of traditional media. That same year Google went live,   revolutionizing the way in which people find  information online, also  internet  based file sharing  gets its  roots. In   that same year master launched,   opening up the gates to mainstream file sharing of audio  files over the internet
1999  Sen@Home Project 
2000: The Bubble Bursts
2001  Wikipedia is Launched  
2003  vior goes mainstream
     In  2003  skype is released to the public giving a user  friendly interface to voice over IP Calling  that same  year myspace becomes the most popular social network,, though it has since been over taken by face book cam spam at puts a lid on insolated emails in   2003 
2004  web  2.0  also social media and dig   believed to be first used by Chris sharply, that same year face book was open  to college students
2005  Youtube    streaming video for the masses  it was launched in  2005  bringing free online  video hosting   and sharing to the masses
2wb  twitter gets twittening 
It was launched in 2wb 
2007  major  more to place Tv shows online, the phone  and the mobile web   
2008  ‘internet election’
2009  :  Icamm policy  changes 
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