Britain and France had ruled the different counties of West  Africa during the colonial era the different nations were more or  less forced to specialized in the production of the raw materials  needed by the industries in Britain and France.  Industrialization was   least pursued . after  these  counties   had regained political independence they continued   to produce  mainly these raw materials, may be because of structural difficulties   involved in switching production to new lines, despite the fact that  the fluctuating demand for these products have persistently
led to  fluctuations in prices of the products. This very much  has  affected the income earning power of the different countries  .  In order to ameliorate the situation one would suggest that  the economics should be restructured in such a way that  what  is produced is what best helps  us to  improve our  income earning  power
L.C  Ezeaku (1997) Positive Discussions in  Economic  Uruowulu
Obosi, Pacific College Press Ltd

Black J. (1997)  Oxford Dictionary of Economics . Oxford  : Oxford  
University  Press.

Report of the Conference of FAO 4th Session. Washington D.C, 
November   1984

A.G  Frank, “ The  Development of Underdevelopment”
Development.  Hooool comesta??? Critical Concepts in the Social  Sciences  (2005)

Underdevelopment of   Countries. World Problems Issue Online