Education : Is a  broad term  that can have many meanings, but it is generally defined as the  process of learning and acquiring information , formal  learning in school or university is one of the most common types, through self  teaching and so called ‘life experience” can also qualify  communities around the  world  place a high value on educating people of all ages, whether formally or informally.  Education in its generally sense is a  form of learning  in   which  knowledge,  skills, and habits  of a group of people  are  transferred   from one generation to
the next through  teaching, training, research or  simply  through auto didactic. It is  the act or process of imparting or  gaining  knowledge, judgment and level of intellectual maturity. It  is the   process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially  at a school or university.  According to oxford advanced  learners dictionary  6th edition  defines education  as a  process of teaching,  training and learning, especially in schools  colleges  to improve knowledge and  develop skills 
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