Corporate computing has charge completely the business  environment  with computer assistance to so many time-consuming shipping control and financial analysis. The  products and services. There  are many business you can do online such as  accounting, e-commerce  reporting order processing and customer support that are available today.
Netledger is a powerful small  business software application from oracle, the industry  ledger in business database  technology.
Advantages of netledger

1.    selling  is made easier and forecasting more accurate  by NetCRM’s integrated lead capturing and order processing capabilities.
2.    NetCRM: can be sued to create tailored  campaign to  target specific customer segments of  your market
3.    NetCRM’S knowledge based can provide huge cost savings and increase service capabilities by allowing customers  to search an online database for answer  to  their  questions  without  calling customer support.
4.    NetCRM also  provides  a complete compliment  of task management tools, partner relationship features.
E- Customer services: satisfying customers online
E-customer services is also the applications that help in the management and  processing of online business  transaction.
E- commerce: Electronic commerce is about the transacting of business using electronic communication processes and facilities. It deals with the purchasing, selling and exchanging of goods and services over computer networks (such as  the internet)  
E-commerce can be broken into four main categories.  Trade in physical goods, trade in offline tele-services and virtual goods,, trade in online tele-services  and the eyes of  e-commerce include: B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C.
Another business facilities are as follows:
·        E-marketing , E- Banking , E-  Banking  services payment Error,  E mobile payment (M-payment)

Science  I s defined as knowledge about  the  structure  and behaviour of the natural and physical  world based on fact s that  you can prove for   example     by  experiment engineering on the other hand is a term applied to the profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice are applied to the efficient use of the materials and forces of nature. Engineering is made up of different fields: mechanical,  electrical , chemical, computer, electronics, marine, petroleum.


Agriculture is a vast that include plant and animal production, comprehensive support and infrastructure systems, and food and fiber  processing key application areas of computers in agriculture include  record keeping, decision –making, control,  and research.