this chapter deals with techniques of data collection which provides researcher with relevant information needed for the study. It includes source of data, tool and techniques of data collection and administration of questionnaires.
Research design
the instrument for data collection in this research was the  self designed questionnaire. It is one of the primary devices for getting answers to question. Using a firm which the respondents themselves have to fill. The questionnaire were designed and administered teacher and principals respectively.

Area Of Study
The area of study is Kaduna State of Nigeria and this study is limited only to one local government area as a pilot study of the state. This local Government Area is Kaduna North Local Government.
The Local Government was selected based on the fact that it has many primary schools. From which six primary schools, were selected based on sampling and have the same syllabus.

Population Of Study
The population is made up of primary school teachers within the state. Which are classified in to three:
Group A
Teachers without teaching qualification, i.e they are G.C.E, S.S.C.E, A level Diploma.
Group B
Teachers with teaching qualifications, i.e N.C.E, Grade II.
Group C
Teachers with post Graduate Diploma in Education, B.Sc; B. Engr. B.Sc, Ed; B.Ed, B.A: HND/HTD.
These collectively form the entire population of respondents for the research. There are over 500 primary school teachers in Kaduna south Local government Area.

            In this research collection of the information is relevant to these research work, therefore questionnaire was developed for the study by the researcher.

 Validation Of Questionnaire/ Instrument
The questionnaire as an instrument was validated by twenty five teachers from the primary schools in Kaduna north local Government Area.
The content validity of the instrument used in the research was thoroughly tested before administering them to the respondents. The questionnaire items were designed and arranged in such a way that one item serves as a control for the others. Above all, the pupils’ questionnaire was meant to control the pupils. The questionnaire method, serves as a means of obtaining the highest validity of the investigation.

Techniques For Data Collection
A total of thirty copies of questionnaires were distributed by hand. There are three forms of questionnaires.
1.    The close form: it is made up of a prepared list of specific questions and a choice of possible answers.
Examples: how often do you employ the following method in your teaching? Tick as appropriate.


Very Often
Not Used
Lecture method the teachers monopolizing the  class

Inquiry of discovery method learning and guiding the children to find knowledge.

Term teaching-experts in various field coming together to teach a topic.

Group method-arranging children in groups when teaching.

Questioning method guiding children through questions.

1.    The Open Form: this allows for free response but the data collected is difficult to evaluate than close form.
Example: sample of open form of questionnaire instrument. Comment briefly on what you consider to be your problem as a social studies pupil.\

2.    The pictoral form: Uses of drawings and photographs instead writing for the purpose of this study, the authors have used (a) and (b) types of questionnaires.
In preparing the questionnaire, the researchers took some major pitfalls of the instrument into consideration. They realized the fact that the general attitude of respondent to completing questionnaire is always in different ways. The questionnaire was planned in such a way that simple interest arousing questions came first. The fairly difficult ones came in the middle and they could be answered within a period of about forty minutes.

Method Of Presentation
Usually there are two alternatives left for the researchers in presenting the questionnaire to the respondents. Each method has its own merit and demerits. These methods are:
(a)  Direct contact: this is the method of taking the questionnaire direct to the respondent and probably staying behind to supervise and organize the completion. This method has the merit of yielding more responses since the researcher will be there on the spot to answer questions and explain the significance of the study.
(b)  Mailed system: The main advantage of this is low cost. But postal system is not reliable and this may cause the loss of many questionnaires. Moreover, respondents may come against some difficulties which may distort answers. Esive (1975) quoting Best W.John, reffered to this method as lazy men’s way of gaining information. With the liberal time factor at our own disposal, direct contact method was employed in the study.
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