The main aim of this research is to investigate the main problems associated with the methods of teaching in primary schools in Kaduna North Local Government Area. The study revealed that the primary schools in Kaduna south Local Government are facing some problems of improper application of teaching methods. We assumed that the same problems are facing other similar primary schools in the local government. The problems are related to ignorance on how to apply correct teaching methods. The study also showed that almost all the teachers did know; understand the inter-disciplinary nature of teaching methods. The validity of this, is further strengthened by the teachers findings during the data collection when we discovered that the scheme of work for subjects in these schools were nothing more than copied back as a body of
content to be covered during a specified period. Objectives were not defined as a result, the specified method to be used in the teaching- learning situation was not indicated, assignments were scanty and the few given were carelessly marked. Different method of teaching should be applied based on which presents the topic better. Different teachers suppose to be employed for different subjects, because teachers have been trained based o the subject they are studying. These methods include; lecture, questioning, inquiry, dramatization, simulation e.t.c it seems a good number teachers have thrown the inter-disciplinary to the favour of their area of specialization.
The textbooks used are inadequate. The teachers follow the content of the textbooks from chapter to chapter with little concern or relevance to the needs of pupils and society at large. The pupils are always busy copying notes given by the teachers, which shows the inadequacy of textbooks, which the children have. There is a general scarcity of comprehensive and relevant textbooks for teachers and pupils. The syllabuses are satisfactory, but the teachers in effectives methodology makes the syllabus difficult to achieve the objectives for which they are designed. Teaching aids are not also sufficient. Teachers mostly used the chalkboard. Most teachers are either lazy or lack motivation to embark on imprecision. A good number of pupils show that they enjoy some subject which preference to others. Most teachers, lack training on some of the subjects, they handle.
 In conclusion, we confirmed there are enough teachers but most of them need to be trained, because there are still some confusion in the nature and scope of these subjects especially among teachers who are not trained for a particular discipline. Example: inquiry, dramatization and activity methods of teaching. That there are still inadequate textbooks and teaching aids in out schools today. Most teachers don’t evaluation their subjects properly.
Finally, with sufficient qualified teachers, good methods of teaching, good textbooks, good teaching aids, the pupils will become good citizens capable of and willing to contribute to the society. The study revealed that not many teachers understand the meaning of process/product technique of evaluation. Especially those form group A and C of the study.
Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made associated with the problems and prospects of the methods of teaching. The view point collectively as social sciences and sciences. The researchers have these recommendations which are as follows:
1.    Training of teachers in various disciplines is highly needed.
2.    Teaching aids should be made available for effective teaching of subjects in schools.
3.    There should be uniform textbooks used in schools.
4.    There should be uniform syllabus for primary school, using environmental factors to guide the principles as to the section of learning experiences that the students should be exposed to.
5.    The ministry of Education should be staffed with supervisors of various subjects, who could assist individual subject teachers in finding solution to the problems of their subject.
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Problems of teaching in some selected schools in Kaduna North local Government Area.
You are of those teachers in your school who is being asked to furnish some information regarding problem of teaching a subject in your school and problem/prospects of pupils in a particular subject.

1.   Name of School: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.    Subject you teach: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.    Sex: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.    Qualification: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.    At what level do you teach the subject? Junior…………………………… Senior…………………………………..
6.    How long have you been teaching the subject: ……………………………………………………………………………
7.    Have you attended any course in the subject: Conference/Workshop Yes /No.?
8.    Which subject do you prefer to teach: …………………………………………………………………………………………
9.    How often do you use any of these methods to teach? (Often, Very often, Not at all).
(a)  Lecture………………………                 inquiry ……………………………
(b)  Dramatization ……………                    individual method…………..
(c)  Team teaching……………                   Assignment…………………….
10. How often do you use any of these teaching aids in teaching? (Often, Very often, Not at all).
(a)  Chart
(b)  Pictures
(c)  Maps
(d)  Film strip
11. Do you have the following visual aids in School?
(a)  Films project (b) Slide project (c) Television set (d) Radio
12. What do you consider to be the attitude of the school authorities towards the teaching of your subjects? (a) Very often (b) Unfavourable
13. How often do you take pupils on educational visits? (a) Often (b) Very often (c) Not at all.
14. State the books you use in teaching your subject. (a) Textbook (give name, authors, publishers, date and no.)
15. State some major problems in teaching your subject in school.

You are one of the pupils who has been asked to furnish some information regarding the problems/prospects of the subjects you offer in school.
1.    Age: ………………………….    Sex: ……………………………………
2.    Name of your school: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.    Subject you offer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.    Rank the subjects you offer according to how you offer them e.g a,b,c,d Mathematics, English, Integrated Science, Religion.
5.    Do you understand and enjoy your teachers’ lesson on these subjects? ………………………………………
6.    During lecture the teacher continues talking, while you sit and listen. True/False.
7.    Up to what level would you like to offer these subjects? Primary six, JSS/SSS, Tertiary.
8.    How often do your teachers use the following teaching aids? (Very often, Often, Not at all).
(a)  Pictures ……………………………..                Television……………………………………..
(b)  Films strips …………………………                 Maps …………………………………………….
(c)  Radio ………………………………….            
9.    What problems do you face in learning?
(a)  Lack of teachers
(b)  Lack of textbooks
(c)  Lack of teaching aids
(d)  Lack of good methods of teaching the subjects
(e)  Lack of syllabus
(f)   Lack of teaching space (classroom)
(g)  Lack of much attention from the teacher
(h)  Time limited