In order to do that in Nigerian in question, some mechanism are adopted and they are:-
1.      Policy review and development strategic planning
2.      Budget preparation and executive
3.      Budget accountability
            This involves the establishment of performance objectives within specified limit. At this phase, Government  takes into account the macro-cosmic fundamentals of the economy with participation of relevant stakeholders to evolve policy directives. The policy review is the
budget message or pre-budget report. The message intends to describe significant changes as noted by Lewi (2007), in priorities from one year to another and give details of factors that account for those changes. The outcome of consultation with the stakeholders forms the basis of government plan or policy thrust for the coming fiscal year to be forwarded to the budget office economic planning.
         This is the stage which according to Akpa (2008) comprises of call circular, advance proposal, budget hearing and presentation to executive, legislative  examination, hearing and passage and assent to the appropriation bill call circulars according to Bammeke (2008) emanate from the budget office as directive to all the ministries, departments and agencies to forward their advance proposal within a specified dead line for the coming fiscal year. This is followed by advance proposal which is a proposed list of estimates from ministries, departments and parastatals of government (MDA) for the coming fiscal year on personnel emoluments and other expenditure needed in order for a ministry to carry out its duties. All ministries will toward their proposal to the ministry of financial and Head of Service for additional staff. The accounting officers of ministries are summoned to appear before the Estimate Committee  to justify their proposal. The approving officers (Minister) Commissioner of Finance and Head of Service) make a national allocation to various MDAs the allocation is then communicated to the respective ministries so that a draft estimate could be prepared based on approved items on their proposal.
            Legislative Examination, Hearing and Passage of Appropriation Bill is the stage at which the draft estimates after being received by the Minister/Commission of finance and Head of Service  of Federation/State is passed to the National  Assembly/State House. Once the draft estimate is considered and passed by the House of Assembly in a budget session it becomes appropriation estimate/bill. The appropriation estimate/bill is legally required to be given assent by the Chief Executive (President). The Chief Executive reserves the right to disagree with certain amendments made by the legislature especially if they are material. Once the appropriation estimates has been given assent bys the Chief Executive, it become Budget for the government fiscal year it covers.
            This stage involves subjecting the extent of achievement of budgetary proposals to scrnting at both legislative level and general public level  and public levels. Santiso (2007) identifies two prominent stages at this point of budgetary process as budget tracking and reporting and auditing.  Budget tracking is concerned with analysis revenues and expenditures so as to ensure that the government policy goals are  attained. The aim is to determine the extent to which the strategic objectives of the budget have been communicated and understood by the various ministries of government. The audited accounts are also made available to the public in pursuance of accountability.
            All this point to the fact that there must be a mechanism to control budget if not the implementation will not be attained and it will affect the National development negatively.