Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that impairs the conception of children. It may be due to problem in the woman, man or both. (2011). Infertility is a common health problem with devastating psychosocial consequence on the affected couples especially in Africa. According   to Okonofua  (2003), worldwide 5 to 15 percent of couples suffered from infertility but in African, the prevalence is up to 45 percent.
Restrain, (2005) observes that childless couples suffered from the conflux of personal, interpersonal, social and religious  expectations  thus bringing a sense of  failure  to them.
In some cultural setting in Africa, infertile couples are even not allowed to take lead role in
important family functions and events. In addition these couples are often socially ostracized by the immediate families. These challenges are not only restricted to the developing world.
Keister, (2006) stated that every couple has the desire to have their own offspring but in a situation where they cannot due to congenital or acquired disorder they will resort to adoption.
In his work the word ‘adoption” is    referred to a means by which childless couples can secure hairs to carryout  their  future responsibility and to inherit their wealth or future childless couples can secure hairs to carryout their future responsibility and to inherit their wealth or property. According to Fraser and Cooper, (2003) Adoption is also defined as a legal procedure by which a child becomes the lawful child of a person or couple with whom he or she is placed.
The origin of child adoption practices dates backs to the origin of man it self because of his lineage (Pennington, 2004) child adoption can be traced Biblically to the early days where pharaoh’s daughter an Egyptain adopted Moses a Hebrew as her son, Exodus 2:10a. in years past, child adoption practices where gravely frowned at by the society. According to Dramel (2008) some families faked pregnancies to hide the truth of adoption in the early 1980oc due to the societal attitude towards child adoption.
According to her, child adoption affords couples who can not achieve pregnancy the opportunity to adopt and own their own children. Couples who have only his children cab have male children if they wish through adoption and vice versa.
Deltacara, (2007), said couples as well as singles parents who wish to have children of their own wish to have children of their own can adopt.
According to the same source, one fourth of the children adopted from the public foster care system in the United States of American are adopted by single parents. They further said that old age is not a decisive factor for child adoption, that a 50-55 years old person or couple may be perfect for the adoption of an older child, as the ages of children varies.
In recent year, there has been a tremendous change in the attitude of people towards child adoption as childless couples now eagerly go for it. Previously it was the affair of the woman as men in the developing countries world rather marry a second wife than going for adoption. (Bharatiya 2005). She said men of this day initiate child adoption in the family. In some families, childlessness or the domination of a particular sex of babies have being a major contributing factor of unhappiness quarrels, separation and divorce couples are therefore left to suffer from the agony of child bearing failure and this is manifested in form of emotional disturbances, depressive illness and marital disharmony (Agbanwa, 1999).
Although, there are many management option for infertile couples, the outcome of the treatment depends on the actiological factors, available diagnostic tools, skills of the attending physician and above all the financial status of the status of the couples (Okonofua, 2003 and Okunlola, 2005). Steck, (1999) sees adoption as an alternative strategy in the management of infertile aimed at bringing succor to the affected couples. This management option had gained wider acceptance in developed countries even before the area of reproductive technologies.
To the affect, this study therefore is directed toward determining the attitude of couples toward child adoption practices.

            Every married couple looks forward to producing offspring to be hairs and for continuity of family’s name and legacy.
Infertility being a great challenge of this dream has devastating psychosocial consequences on the affected couples especially in Abakaliki Urban. The increasing number of couples who suffer from conflux of person, interpersonal, social and religious expectation, thus a sense of failure in our communities has been a case for serious concern. This is so especially as great values are attached to children in this society.
Though there are many management options for infertile couples the out come of the treatment depends on the etiological factors, available, diagnostic tools, skill of the attending physician and above all, the financial status of the couple.
The couples may therefore be left to suffer from the agony of child bearing failure manifesting in forms of emotional disturbance, depressive illness and marital disharmony.
Adoption is then an alternative strategy in his management of infertility aimed at bringing succor to the affected couples.
This option has gained ground in developed countries.
Childlessness may have reduces the quantity of the life, health self esteem an actualization of the couples affected. Based on the foregoing, the researcher decides to investigate into the attitude for couple toward child adoption practice using Abakaliki urban as a case study.

The broad objective of the study is to investigate into attitudes of couples towards child adoption practice using Abakaliki Urban as a case study.
            Specifically the study aim to:
1.      Ascertain the attitude of couples towards child adoption practice.
2.      To determine the influence of gender on the attitude toward child adoption practice.
3.       Asses the factors that influence the choice of adoption as a strategy for management of infertility.
4.      Asses the factors that hindering the process of adoption.
            The research is significant especially will the knowledge that most childless couples have poor attitude that hinders the practice of child adoption as a management option of infertility.
Specifically the following groups will benefit from the study as explained.
1.      Doctor, Nurses and other health workers who counsel and manage infertile couples will be equipped with the result on the attitude of the couple. This will hence, help them to appreciate same in the counseling and management of such couples.
2.       The couples will also benefit as the result will help the couples understand the practice and process of adoption hence adopt in a more positive attitude.
3.      The government and social works department with the findings of this research understand the factors that hinder the couples from coming forward for adoption with a tendency to addressing the issue raised.
4.        The society in general will with the findings of this research understand the plight and attitude of the adoption couples and hence and adopt a more sympathetic attitude towards them.
5.      The researchers will also benefit as the research will help the researcher to broaden her knowledge on adoption practices and also contribute to existing body of knowledge.

            The following research questions will guide the study towards its objective.
1.      What is the attitude of couples towards child adoption practice?
2.      How does gender influence the attitudes of couples toward child adoption?
3.      What are the factors that influence the choice of adoption as management option for infertility?
4.      What are the factors that hinder the process of adoption?

            The scope of the study is limited to attitude of couples towards child adoption practices in Abakaliki Urban. It is intended to cover aspects as indicated in the objectives of the study. The aspects include, determining the influence of gender on attitude towards child adoption, factors that influence or hinder the couples of adoption.

Infertility: The inability of a woman to conceive or of a man to bring abuts conception.
Attitude: The feeling one has about something.
Child: An individual male or female who is not an adult.
Couples: A married woman and man.
Foster Parents: parent who adopted a child into their family.
Practice: The usual right or expected way of doing something.
Adoption: Taking someone else’s child into your family and become its parents.
Childlessness: Not having children in a family.
Divorce: The legal or illegal way of ending up a marriage.
Illegal: Not allowed by law.