In Melbourne services limited I was opportunity need to work with many department but specifically I worked with the  it be department 
HSE:  Health and Environmental Safety here I handled so many activities which includes
·  To protect the health of workers.
·  To achieve main objectives of HSE safety standard and protection to health.
·  To pursue the goal of harm to environment and to protect the environment.

Promoting health
Protecting the environment
Safe guarding the property / equipments of
Promoting harmonious relationship between the company and the community.
Environmental safety (Major activities)
EIA :  Environmental impact  assessment
Water pollution inspection /prevention
Oil chemical    spill response
Garbage Discharge Inspectional Inspection
Waste segregation/storage
Sewage discharge response, prevention treatment
House keeping practices with the full aim of creating a lively environment for our marine lives.
Health safety: Minor:
Fire safety
First aid practices/programme
EIA  procedures ensure that the  potential  environmental impacts of project are identified  assessed, managed and reduced to  acceptable level before consent is given by the regulatory authority this  process  when integrated in any business identifies, minimize  the potential impact  of   promoted  development the  importance  aspect of  EIA Studies includes
-              Risk assessment
-              Environmental management 
-              Poor product  monitoring
EIA is important because it addresses the direct and indirect impacts of the project on 
-              Human being, fauna and flora
-              Soil, water, air, climate to  landscape
-              Materials assists and cultural heritage
Step I took in EIA process were 
Preliminary assessment
Collection of baseline data
Impact prediction
Mitigation measures /EIA report
EIA  report
Public hearing 
Decision making
Monitoring and implementation
Screening: this  is done to decide whether an  EIA is required and focus resources on projects most likely to have significant impacts, those where impacts are uncertain and those where EIA management  input  is likely to be required
Scoping: This  purpose of this key part   of EIA process is to focus the EIA on the environmental issues and  possible effects which need the most thorough attention 
To identify those issues which are unlikely to need detailed study, and to provide  a means to discuss method of assessing  effects and reach  agreement on those  most appropriate
Here all interested  parties are involved
Collection of baseline data:  This aspect, the environmental character of the areas likely to  be affected  were examined, relevant natural and man made processes  which may already be changing the character   of the   where also identified
3. Impact prediction: Possible interaction between  the  proposed development and both   existing and future site  conditions  were considered. The  nature of the  possible  effect eg  positive or negative , temp, or  permit were predicted and  accessed, as well possible cumulative and in combination  effects.
This is a proposal for design and operational  modification or  other  measures to prevent, reduce, and  where possible offset any significant adverse effect on  the environment
EIA reports : This is where the  actions and  steps for preventing, minimizing or by passing  the impacts or else the level of compensation for  probable  EIV damage or loss
Described the dripping comprising into on the site,  design and size of   development
Measure envisaged in order to avoid,   reduce, and if possible, remedy significant adverse effect mitigation 
Data registration to  identify and assess  the main effects which the development is likely to have on the  EIV  outline of the main alternatives studied  by applicant  or appellate and an indication of the main  reasons for  this choice taking into account the  environmental effect non  technical  summary of  the above into  public hearing :  on  completion  of EIZ report,  public and   EAV groups living close to project site may be informed and consulted
   Review :To assess  the adequacy  of   the  EIA to  decision making and  consider its implications  for project implementation 
Monitoring : The various phase of the implementation of projects are monitored risk assessment here the   inventory  analysis and hazard   probability  and index are   contained