1.  Training of Members on Conduct of Meetings: membership in a committee broadens or expands the viewpoints of participants. They learn to appreciate organizational problem form wider perspectives and not only on single departmental bases. Committees also afford good training grounds for young managers in the art of conduction meetings and parliamentary procedures
2.  Reduction or Rather Complete Stop of Abuse of Authority by One Person: if too much authority is given to one person, he may likely abuse it if not checked. Therefore, committees prevent high-handedness that could result.
3.  Motivation of Members: through participation in discussion or decision in a committee, a member will be more likely to be motivated to accept a situation or
implement a decision that he would have rejected if were not involved in the subject matter though participation in committee deliberations.
4.  Promotion of Creative Thinking: through brainstorming and other group-creative activities, committees can produce creative ideas valuable to practically every organization function.
5.  Reduction and Cooling of Temper: certain matters or issues may bring friction and chaos (problem) to an organization if not handled with care. Hence if a manager notices that trouble may emanate, if certain decision is taken, when the tempers of the opposing sections are very hot, he may use the committee method to avoid or delay till tempers cool.
6.  Education: committees may also be organized for educational purpose.  A committee may be formed to receive and transmit authentic information regarding company aims and policies and other subjects so as to eliminate misinformation. A committee may handle such educational work as training course for foremen and workers, with such subjects covered as shop management, cost reduction and handling of men.
7.  To Benefit from Knowledge and Experience of Expert: many experts have the opportunity to exchange ideas and share their experiences with the rest, this resulting in-group discussion. This confirms over belief that the decisions taken by many heads are always better that those handed down by one individual.
8.  Easy Dissemination of Information: the committee members are always well placed to get information and certain matters rather quickly and can ask for explanations when necessary. When the members represent some interest groups, they also serve as a means of impacting the relevant information rather quickly to those affected.
9.  Consolidation of Powers and Authority: often an individual member may not have sufficient power and authority to make or implement a particular decision. A committee is an excellent medium of collecting and combining the authority and power of several people, such as heads of sales engineering and production department.
10.     Securing Unity of Action (Co-ordination): perhaps the greatest value of committee in any organization is that of co-ordination. Success in the organization depends upon unity of actions. The larger the organization, the greater is the need for some coordinating force to bind the various units into a working whole. Properly organized committees develop a vital or important role in modern large scale business.
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