the aim of this project work is find out the  place and importance of kola  nut in  Izzi clan, in Ebonyi Local Government Area of Ebonyi  State, especially as it affects the religion, social and cultural life of the Izzians even in this  21st  century. In  the cause of the research, number of findings were made. The place  and origin  of kola nut, where kola nut is plant in Izzi compounds.  The significance of kolanut, the kola nut lobes  and what the lobes stand for, the presentation of kola nut,  and breaking of kola nut, the  sharing of  kola nut and  the  type of  prayers  that  kola nut hears and why  women must not either  present, break  or share any  ceremonial kola nut  in Izzi land, again the role  of elders in the breaking and sharing of kola  nut in Izzi land  were detailed rayed, examples  of  various communities in  Izzi land were
citated  and the place they give to kola nut.
The  place of kolanut to any visitor in Izzi land  was  also well presented. At the end  it  is understood  that  Izziman sees kolanut as something very important hence, women are not allowed to either present, pray  over a kolanut,  break it nor share in nay ceremonial  gathering
Having seen the place of kola  nut in Izzi land the following conclusions  are made
That  any culture that is not  enemical to  human existence in nay  given society should  be allowed to continue, that in  the case of  Izzi land  that the role and relevance given to kola nut should be  allowed to continue .
That   Izzians should inconcate in the whole and significance of kola nut. That is  a student who carried out a  research work  in this area,  that I have started seeing kola nut in different dimension with high regards and respects for kolanut in my area now than  before. It is like a constitutional   matter the  role of kola nut has been institutionalized  in the length and   breadth of Izzi land. That  the role of kolanut has  nothing to do with the way and manner Izzians worship the Living Almighty God  rather a gift of kola nut to a visitor, guest, or in nay important  gatherings like marriage,  settling of disputes  among aggrieved parts in a village, community unity and a mark  of transparent  honesty. That  in Izzi land kola  nut  is to them what   a rearing staff is to the Fulani cattle rearers.  That  the size and neatness of a kola  nut  presented to a guest by  his  host shows clearly, how such guest is valued by his host. That in Izzi no matter how well  a guest is entertained by his host, if  kola nut is not firstly  presented or was not  presented at all to the  guest it shows  that  such visitor was not well received  and may not wish to visit his  host again.  That in Izzi land both  Christians and non- Christians alike  presents  kola nuts to their  guest as a mark of  honour to such guest.     
That  in Izzi land, if a host refused  to first of all lick  the kola nut that he wants   to present to his  guest, his guest may not chew such kola nut even  if he receives it from  his host, because he could suspect a  wrong thing, eg  poisoning of the kola nut by his host or something like that.
In my conclusion,  it  was evidently discovered that the importance, significance and place or role of kola nut in almost what Izziman  is dong can not be over emphasized.
In view of the role and place of kola nut in  Izzi land, the following  recommendations are hereby put forward.
 That like the rest of the Igbos who believe that the yorubas grow kolanut, the Hausas  chew  it, while the Izzians cum  Igbos celebrates it.
That  the   rest of the Igbos should learn  from the Izzi clan what kola nut is all about  from the Izzi clan what kola nut is all about.
That  the rest of the Igbo nation should  understand that kola nut presentation to  a visitor   is not in any way  against Christianity  doctrine and must be allowed to  continue.   
That lobe of kolanut determines whether it will be eaten or not among the Izzicaln.
That the rest of the Igbo nation should allow the culture of kola  nut  as practiced  by the Izzipeople be a tie that will bind  them together.
That women should  understand the role of  kola nut in Izzi land is  a matter fo culture that is as old as man in Izzi land and not a show of discrimination  against than at – all.
That other researchers  mostly in history should try to find out why so much importance is attached in kola nut in Izzi clan more than other items that a visitor  can be entertained with.
That further researchers should try to see if it can be possible women to be presenting, blessing, and sharing of kola nut in Izzi land,  since such is not allowed among women to this  date. And finally future researchers should  as well find why kola nut must be  shared by elders and to be broken before sharing  with a knife.
if the above  recommendations are  carefully taken care of, the role, place, significance and importance of kola nut must surely come to stand in Izzi land in particular  and in Igbo  nation in general.

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Department of history
Ebonyi State college of education
p.m.b  002
24th may, 2012
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