Nuisance is one of the most useful common law tools quotable  in environmental cases.  It can partially provide a remedy for  a variety of environmental concerns such as odors,  vibrations from machinery, industrial pollutants or noise. A person whose property  is  physically damaged or a person who suffers substantial interference with the use and enjoyment of  property as a result of  an activity by another  person may have an  action in private  nuisance  in the case of direct physical injury where actual  damages to health or to property has resulted, that person will recover in nuisance even if the  other party’s action were  reasonable in the circumstances. It follows therefore that in order to  make are that every property owner enjoys his property to the  maximum without infringing on others freedom, the law imposes some restrictions on the land owners use  of his land.

Nuisance simple means inconvenience or annoyance, but the  tort of nuisance has a more restricted scope and not  every inconvenience  or  annoyance is actionable . It is  often used to describe  an inconvenience rather than an identifiable harm or injury.  Nuisance is an act or omission which is an interference with,  disturbance of or annoyance to a person in the exercise to enjoyment of;
a.                  A right belonging to him as a member of the public,
b.                 His  ownership, or occupation of land or some easement, profit other right, good enjoyed in connection with  land, as held in Ipadeola V. Oshowole, where the court  held that nuisance is an act or omission which  is an interference with, disturbance of , or  annoyance to a person in the exercise or enjoyment of his  right. The law of nuisance was created to  stop such bothersome activities or conduct  when they unreasonably  interfered either with the rights  of other  private land owners or with  the right of the general public. We have two lands of nuisance;  

1.                  Public Nuisance:  Public nuisance  is committed where a person carries on some harmful activity which affects the general public,  for e.g where the owners of  a factory cause, or where fumes  and  smoke  to pollute the atmosphere in the locality, or where an obstruction is caused  on the public highway. Public nuisance includes;  interference    with  public health, safety, public peace,  morals and convenience. Any act which appears to interfere with   these rights and interests would be  actionable under  public nuisance e.g the keeping of  diseased animal or a  mosquito interested pond  were actionable as interference with public health public nuisance is  a crime as well as a tort.S.2(3) of criminal code provides for punishment of sanction on any citizen who violates  it . The tort of private nuisance it designed to protect each person in lives individual capacity. Lord Denning in the case of A.G  V P.Y.A Quarres Ltd., defined public nuisance as a nuisance  which is so  widely spread in each range or  so indiscriminate in its effect that  it will not be reasonable to aspect  one person to take proceedings on his own responsibility of the community at large “ also in S.2 (5) of the Anambra State  tort law provides that a nuisance is public if it  inflicts damage, injury or inconvenience upon the public at large.

2.                 It is generally accepted that any conduct which is harmful  or inconvenience to the general  public or a segment  of it  large  enough to constitute a class is actionable by  the  attorney general limited action for recovery by individual plaintiff as also allowed for a public nuisance of he can proof or show that the defendants conduct has caused  him  particular damage” over and above that suffered by the general  public. In Amos V shell –B.P ( Nigeria)  ltd, the  defendants, in the  course of their  work in the oil industry  constructed  a  temporary dam  across a public  navigable creek  in the river state. The plaintiff, representing the entire ogbia community, brought an action for damages, alleging that the erection of the dam had caused  sever flooding on their land, and had obstruct the creek, so that members of the  community  were unable to pass with or  canoes  to transport goods to and from the market. It was held that he  cannot maintain an action against the defendant because  he has not proved special  damage against  the  defendant but in camped v padinton borough council ltd,  the  defendant city council unlawfully  erected a stand as  borough place (that is public street ) in order that the  members of the council might view the funeral procession of king Edward ii passing along the road.   The  plaintiff  who occupied attain premises in the place often  let the premises for the purpose of viewing public procession passing  long the road. The stand, obstructed the view of the procession for the plaintiffs  house and she was enable  to let the premises for that purpose  it  was held, that the stand  constitute a public  nuisance and  the  plaintiff  could maintain  an action for special damage, which she had suffered through  the lost of view. And it is also provided for in S.  6 (6)  of the  1999 constitution

3.                  Private nuisance : Private  nuisance is  a  violation  of ones  use  of quiet enjoyment of land, it is designed to protect  the individual  owner or occupier of land from substantial   interference with  his enjoyment thereof. The whole  law of private nuisance represents an attend to preserve a  balance between two conflicting interests, that of one occupier in using his land as he thinks fit, and land. Thus a private nuisance does not necessity need to be unlawful or illegal, to may be and usually accused by a person doing on his land something he is lawfully entitled to do and which only becomes a nuisance when the consequences of his are not conferred to his own land but extents to it and of another which extension cause
(a)              Enchroachment to his neighbour’s land
(b)             Physical damage to his neighbour’s land and thing there on.
(c)              Undue interference with his neighbour’s, in conforming and convenience with his enjoyment of his land.

The tort of nuisance serves to presence the character of neighbor hood through the elimination  of the non conforming use of land in a particular distract. This or injuring other person for his conduct or use of property. The whole idea of nuisance is that a person should conduct himself and use his property so as not to injure or cause discomfort, inconvenience to another person the purpose is also to maintain a balance between the right of a person to do what he likes on his property and the right of his neighbor or person to be free from interference or inconvenience. It is also made to protect the environment with human and animal relax, which determines our health and well being.