Administered by the ministry of environment, the national environment standards and regulations enforcement agency (NESREA) act of 2007 replaced the federal environmental protections agency (FEPA) act. It is the embodiment of laws and regulations focuses on the protection and sustainable development of the environment and its natural resources. The following sections are worth noting:

i)        Sections7: Provides authority to ensure compliance with environmental laws, local and international, on environmental sanitation and pollution prevention and control  through monitory and regulatory measures.

ii)       Section8(1) (k): Empowers the agency to make and review regulations on air and water quality, effluent limitations control of harmful substances and other forms of environmental pollutant and sanitation.

iii)      Sections 27: Prohibits, without lawful authority, the discharge of hazardous substances into the environment. This offence is punishable under this section, with a fine not exceeding, N1000,000 (one million naira) and an imprisonment term of 5 years. In the case of a company, there is an additional fine of N50, 000, for every day the offence persists.

          It is worthy of note that the NESREA act repealed the Nigeria flagship law on the environment ie the federal environmental protection agency act (FEPA Act) consequently, the NESREA Act has become the primary law on environmental protection while the new agency has replaced the old agency.
          Given the investment scenario to the Act and the current patronizing attitude to its provisions especially by the public sector project proponents, aggressive implementations of it provisions is necessary if the act will not end up a “paper Tiger” New projects should be subject toe environmental impact assessment in strict accordance with the spirit of the Act.
Already existing companies should undergo periodic environmental, audits (ED) to assure their compliance with environmentally sound practices. Environmental audits is a management tool comprising a systematic, documented periodic and objective evaluation of how well environmental organization, management and equipment are performing with the aim of contributing by (1) facilitating management control of environmental practice; (2) assessing compliance with any company policies, which include meeting regulatory requirement (15). For construction activities related to manufacturing. 
Three approaches are in practice
Utilization of the best control available technology (BCAT)
Compensation to local communities and
Institutionalisation of adequate abatement measure. (16)
Sometimes, government may have to offer tax and other incentives to encourage the provision of these abatement measure.     
Adequate punitive sanctions may also be employed. Perhaps, a combination of this “ carrot and stick” may inspire compliance with the provisions of the act and this ensure that “a stitch in time saves nine” God bless.   

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