Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is accepted skills training programme which form part of the approved minimum academic standard in the various degree programmes for all the Nigeria universities it is geared towards bringing the gap between theory and practice in engineering and technology , science, agriculture, medicine management and other professionals education programmes in the tertiary institution.

This is aimed at exposing students to machines and equipment, professional work methods and ways of safeguarding the work areas and workers in industries and other organization. The programme prepares the students for the work situation they are bound to face in future.

The scheme is a tripartite, involving the students, the university and industry. It is funded by the Federal Government of Nigeria and jointly Coordinated by the Industrial Fund (ITF) and the National University Commission (NUC)

The objectives of student industrial work experience scheme are to:

i. Prepare students for the work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.

ii. Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in the university system.

iii. Provide an avenue for students in the Nigeria universities to acquire industrial skills and experience in their course of study.

iv. Provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in real work situation, thereby bridging the wide gap between university work and actual practices

v. Make the transition from the university to the world of work easier and thus enhance students contacts for later job placements.


Akin-Sateru Farms (Nig) Limited is a private owned integrated livestock farms and agricultural consultant which was established by HRN Oba Akinloye Tijani in the year 1979. It is located at KM 20, Lekki Iepe express way Eti-Osa, Lagos.

This farm was initially started by raising day old chicks (brooding) in a small scale production in 1979. Later on, swine (four gilts and two boars ) were also brought to the farm in the year 1980, and few earthen fish ponds were constructed. In 1980, automatic layers lage was imported and constructed. In the same year, artificial propagation of fish through hypophysation was introduced by install some standard equipments for fish breeding. In1996 standard feed mill machines were imported and constructed and some other mechanized implement like tractors, rotary mowers, drwing machines etc . in 2011, a new fish feed mill production were also imported and constructed and well designed.

This processes makes the farms to remain standard and mechanized and one of the best farm in Nigeria.


i. To minimize the rate of unemployment to the Nigeria youths.
ii. To respond to consumers perceptions and market equipments.
iii. To increase the utilization of poultry droppings by increasing soil fertility
iv. To improve the animal protein consumption states mankind in Nigeria and beyond.
v. To maximize profit out of minimum cost
vi. To set the pace on the modern of better and quality farming
vii. To create more enterprise and employment for the general people of the country and beyond.


During the period of this attachment the following units/ sections were carried out

a. Poultry unit
b. Piggery unit
c. Fishery unit
d. Feed mills units.

Management practices carried out in this unit are as follows.

i. Brooding of day old chicks
ii. Feeding of birds and supplying of drinking water
iii. Washing of feeders and drinkers
iv. Vaccination /medication of birds
v. Weighing of birds
vi. De-breaking of birds
vii. Culling of birds
viii. Removal of poultry droppings
ix. Handling of eggs in layers cage
x. Regular inspection of birds


Brooding is mainly the act of supplying heat and careto the day old chicks between the ages of day one to about six weeks of age.

The following are needed in the brooding house, heat sourced, water, air, drugs and feed under a confined apartment. I is the combined of these factors that determined the level of the physical and biological development as well as the mortality rate of the birds.


Two weeks to the arrival of the birds, the following were done:

1. Washed the roof, wall, wire gauze and tarpolin (Water proof ) of the brooding house with water and disinfectants using pumping machine.

2. Check all the appliances in the brooding house are in good working condition.

3. Covered the house completely with thick tarpolin (water proof) which helps to concentrate heat.

4. Fumigated the house with potassium palmanganate and formal in twice at different time interval and the house is locked

5. Spread the litter material on the floor to a certain depth two days before the arrival of the chicks

6. The appliances are placed in position

7. Brooding drugs antibiotic, anti-stress (glucose) and vitamin) are mixed and kept ready in the drinkers one hours before the arrival of the birds which will help them regain strength and energy after the over stress while transporting.

8. When the birds arrived, they were allowed to access to the water containing antibiotics, glucose and vitamin for an hour before serving them with feed


Water birds
Equipment for brooding day old chicks and functions