Analysis of business environmental help to identify strength weakness, opportunities and threats. Analysis is very necessary.
(1) Identification of strength: the analysis of the internal environment helps to identify strength of the firm. If the company has good personal policies in respect of promotion, transfer, training, etc. this strength can be identified through the jobs satisfaction and performance of the employees.
(2) Identification of weakness: the internal environment indicates not only strengths but also the weakness of the firm. The firm should identify sue weakness so as to correct from as early as possible.
(3) Identification of opportunities: the external environment helps the business firm to
identify the opportunities in the market.
(4) Identification of threats: business may be subject to threats from competitors and other therefore environmental analysis helps to identify threats from the environment identification of threat.
(5) Exploitation of business opportunities: environment opens new opportunities for the expansion of business activities.
(6) Keeping business enterprise: environment study is needed as it keeps the business unit alert in its approach and activities. The problems and prospects of business can be understood properly through the study of business environment.
(7) Keeping business flexible and dynamic: study of business environment is needed for keeping business flexible and dynamic as per the changes in the environmental forces.

1.    Increased reach: using information technology, a marketer can reached an enormous number of people with just the click of a button. The internet allow broad dissemination, of advertising other technologies facilitate its quick design and production.
2.    Speed and flexibility: technology allows advertisers to respond quickly to changes in the market place. If a competitor develops a product that quickly becomes popular and advertiser can alter the image of his own product to more closely resemble the competitor’s. Different marketers can a targeted with differently themed promotions using digital technologies.
1.    Competition: what makes all these technological developments less than perfect is that they are available to everyone. If only one promoter had access to advanced technology, he would certainly have a tremendous advantage.
2.    Homogenization: as markets all have in on the fastest; more efficient and most effective way of getting public attention, the result is a growing homogenization, in both products and the way that they are promoted.  Because digital technologies make replication so easy, no marketer can have an edge on the competition for very long, because other will copy whatever is effective.
A brief discussion is made on the potential approaches, tools, and techniques that are commonly used to analyze the sector wise business environment. The sectors of business environment are external business environment, industry level business environment and internal business environment

Small Business Bible: Some Advantages and Disadvantages of Information Technology

Entrepreneur: Using Technology to your Advantage; Tom Hopkins; May 2006

Media Awareness Network: Advertising: it’s everywhere