The genus cola belongs to the  family of sterculialeae (Malves)
According to Adebola ayeyemi (1980:137)  in his book tittled agricutlrue for Africa, the are five  species that produce  edible seed among which  Nigeria farmers recognize four types and given them local  names . two main  species  are presently of economic importance namely calanitida and cola accuminata. The  following are the , three  known kinds of kola nuts as pointed out by  Agebala 
Cola verticalate 
Cola accuminata 

Cola  accuminata occurs widely in the forest zone of Nigeria.  This  specie is cultivated in Yoruba, Benin and eastern part of the country. Kola nuts is classified accruing to their  socio- religious significance among the people of Izzi. In this case, Cola nitida and cola accuminata are  prevalspently cola nut among the people of  Izzi. The cola accuminata is the traditional  types   locally called (Oji Igbo)  which is   generally used in religious and social matters. Further more, cola  nitida are rarely  made use of in religious matters by Izzi traditionalist. It can be  chewed as an  ordinary food.
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