Hospital pathogenic micro-organisms can be transmitted from the hands of doctors to patient through direct contact with the patient or indirectly through an inanimate object like the laboratory (lab) coat. Because the sleeve of the white laboratory coat is usually long, it makes possible for it to come in contact with patient skin and clothing as the physician gives medical care and attention and this could lead to patient-to-patient transmission of nosocomial pathogens. In this study, the knowledge, altitude and practices of the doctors were assessed and released to bacteria contamination of their laboratory coats. The subjects of this study were doctors of different grades and specialties.

A moistened swab of the cuffs and pockets was taken and cultured on blood agar for 18 hours at 36oC. Of the 103 laboratory coats assessed, 94(91.3%) were contaminated with bacteria. The cuffs and pockets were highly contaminated by bacteria, which were mainly skin commensals like Staphylococcus aureus (18.9%), Diphtheroids (52.5%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (9.4%) and other Gram-negative bacilli, (19.3) (Coliforms, Citrobacter spp., Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus citreus) that were mainly environmental organisms.

The level of bacteria contamination did not vary with the length of time a coat has been in use, specialty or grade of the physician but it increased with the degree of usage (either always or when seeing as patient) by the individual physician. Though most of the organisms were multi-resistant, they were, however, sensitive to ciprofloxacin and clindamycin. White laboratory coats are a potential source of cross infection in the hospital environment. Laboratory coats with close fitting cuffs or short sleeves might help to reduce this problem.

            The increasing rate of hospital acquired infections especially those caused by multi resistant Staphylococcus aureus are causing certain apprehension. White laboratory coats are used as a means of preventing cross contamination between patient and their physicians. But that role is being questioned now with several evidence that shows that the white laboratory coats are contaminated with nosocomial microbes even the multi drug resistant ones.
            Hence this work will help to assess the white laboratory coats of physicians in this part of the world (usingphysicians in Federal Medical Centre, Abakaliki as case study) for similar contamination and also assess the susceptibility profile of any organisms found.

This work has the following aims and objectives
1.    To assess the level of microbial contamination of the white laboratory coats of physicians in Federal Medical Centre, Abakaliki.
2.  To determine the type of microbial contamination and the area of the coat that is mostly contaminated.
3.      To assess the susceptibility of the isolates to various antibiotics used normally in the hospital.
4.  To evaluate the relationship between white laboratory coat contamination and knowledge, attitudes and practice of physicians.

            This research work was conducted at the Federal Medical Centre, an urban hospital and one of the two tertiary health institutions in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State (South-Eastern Nigeria). This research was conducted from October to November, 2011.

            The information gotten from this research are treated with utmost confidentiality and used solely for the purpose of this research.
            The physicians that participated in this research did so willingly and the research was done in accordance with the ethical guidelines of medical research.
            The study population include physicians from the Federal Medical Centre, Abakaliki.
            The physicians were drawn from different specialties and units, which includes the medical specialties, surgical specialties, accident and emergency and other specialties. They also come from different grades that include House officers, Registrars, Consultants and other grades.
            The types of media used for the isolation bacteria from the white laboratory coat includes:
a.   Blood agar (oxide U.K.)
b.   Mac-Conkey Agar
c.   Chocolate Agar
d.   CLED
e.   Oxidase paper (reagent) for biochemical test.
They were prepared using manufacturer’s directions

            All the glass materials used during the course of this work were sterilized by autoclaving at the standard time of 15 minutes at 121oC. The used apparatus includes:
·               Swab (moistened)
·               Glass Petri dish
·               Plates
·               Glass slide
·               Bijou bottle
·               Test tubes
·               Syringe
·               Glass pipette
·               Wire loop
·               Light microscope

            Samples were collected from physicians of different grades and specialties from Federal Medical Centre. The numbers of coats each physician had, the time that their coats has been in use, how often their coats are washed, the type of cleaning agent used, where the coats are stored after work and the actual usage of the coats and hand washing practice were determined by direct questioning.
            The usage of a white laboratory coat was defined roughly as the percentage of time the coat was worn while the physicians were on duty.
            Two samples were collected from each physician: a saline moistened swab of the cuff and a saline moistened swab of the lower front pocket of the coat. These sites were chosen because they are the place where microbial contamination was thought to be greatest as these are the most heavily used areas on a white laboratory coat (Loh et al., 2000) and (Wong et al., 1991). The samples were appropriately labelled and then carried to the laboratory for analysis. Ten clean washed white laboratory coats were used as control.

            The samples were cultured directly on blood agar, chocolate agar, Mac Conkey agar and CLED. After 18 hours of aerobic incubation at 37oC, the plants were examined for the total microbial count (in CFU/Cm2) and the presence of possible pathogens in particular S. aureus, Enterococci and gram-negative bacilli. Grams staining and subsequent microscopy were used to examine the morphology and grams reaction of the organisms. Various biochemical tests were used in the characterization and identification of the isolates antimicrobial sensitivity were determined by the modified Kirby Bauer method (Cheesbrough, 2006).

            The following steps were taken in preparation of the media as outlined by Okereke and Kanu (2004).
1.            I weighed and dissolved the nutrient agar base according to the manufacturer’s instruction.
2.            I dispensed the media in 14ml in bijou bottles and sterilized in an autoclave at 121oC for 15 minutes.
3.            I also autoclaved the Petri dishes at the above temperature and pressure for 15 minutes.
4.            I allowed the media to cool to about 50oC and using a sterile syringe I dispensed 1ml of sterile blood into the sterile plates.
5.            I aseptically unscrewed the cap of the bottle flames the mouth of the bottle for few seconds and poured into the Petri dishes
6.            I them mixed properly and allowed to gel.

            Before inoculation of the media, I made sure that the surface of the media was dry. Then I inoculated using the steps listed by Cheesbrough (2006).
1.                  Using a swab of the specimen I applied the inoculums to a small area of the plate and then spread to other parts of the media by a zigzag streaking method.
2.                  After this, I inverted the plates and labelled, then I incubated at 37oC for 18hrs.
The plates were inverted so as to prevent any condensation from falling onto the cultures.

            After the primary inoculation and incubation the various colonies were then examined for the colony characteristics like colour, size, edge/margin, elevation, form, translucency, texture, and haemolysis. These were recorded. Then, the various colonies were then sub-cultured so as to obtain the pure culture, which were subjected to further analysis for identification (Cheesbrough, 2006).

            Wet mounting is mainly used to examine culture and specimen for motile bacteria (Cheesbrough, 2006). The method used was that by Cheesbrough using transmitted light microscopy (Cheesbrough, 2006).
            The steps include the following
1.                  I placed a drop of distilled water on a clean glass slide and emulsified a colony of the organism in it.
2.                  I then covered it with a cover slide and then viewed using the 10x and 40x objectives.

            The staining technique introduced by Christian Gram in 1884 is very important in Bacteriology. It is used in the recognition and identification of bacteria. It has a very wide application because it distinguishes nearly all bacteria as Gram positive and Gram negative according to whether or not they resist decolourization of crystal violet by acetone.
Principle: Differences in Gram reaction between bacteria is thought to be due to differences in the permeability of the cell wall of Gram positive and Gram-negative organisms during the straining process (Cheesbrough, 2006). The technique I used was the one listed by Cheesbrough (Cheesbrough, 2006) and it includes:
1.                  I prepared a smear from the pure culture, dried it and hen heat fixed.
2.                  I covered the smear with crystal violet stain for 60 seconds.
3.                  I washed off the stain with clean water.
4.                  I tipped off the water and covered the smear with Lugols iodine for 60 seconds.
5.                  I washed off the iodine with clean water.
6.                  I decolorized rapidly with acetone alcohol and then washed immediately with clean water.
7.                  I covered the smear with neutral red stain for 2 minutes.
8.                  I washed off the strain with clean water.
9.                  I wiped the back of the slides and placed in the draining rack to dry.
10.              I ten examined microscopically, first with the 40x object to check the straining and then with the 100x oil immersion objective Gram-positive organisms appear dark purple while Gram-negative ones appeared red.

            This test used to identify S. aureus, which produces the enzyme coagulase.
Principle: Coagulase causes plasma to clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin. The procedure of the test is as follow (Cheesbrough, 2006).
1.                  I placed a drop of distilled water on each end of a glass slide.
2.                  emulsified a colony of the test organism in each of the drop to make two thick suspensions and
3.                  Added a loopful of plasma to one of the suspensions and mixed gently.
4.                  I examined for clumping in 10 seconds

            This test is used to differentiate those bacteria that produce the enzyme catalase such as staphylococci from non-catalase producing bacteria such as streptococci.
Principle: catalase acts as a catalyst in the break down of hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water.
            The procedure I took was as described by Cheesbrough (Cheesbrough, 2006).
1.                  I poured 2ml of hydrogen peroxide solution into a test tube.
2.                  Using a sterile wooden stick, I removed several colonies of the test organisms and immersed it in the hydrogen peroxide solution.
3.                  I then check for immediate bubbling. Immediate bubbling showed positive result while absence of bubble showed negative result.

            This test is used to assist in the identification of organisms that produce the enzyme cytochrome oxidase like Pseudomonas spp.
Principle: The oxidase produced oxidizes the phenylendediamine in the reagent to a deep purple colour (Cheesbrough, 2006).
1.                  A piece of filter paper was placed in a clean Petri dish and 2 drops of freshly prepared oxidase reagent was added to it.
2.                  Using a piece of stick I remove a colony of the test organism and smeared it on the filter paper.
3.                  Then I checked for the development of a blue purple colour within a few seconds.

            This was carried out using the Kirby Bauer method stated by (Ugbogu, 2004) in: Laboratory Guide for Microbiology (WHO, 2003).
1.                  The agar plate was prepared according to manufactures directives and pour in 25ml amount into Petri dishes.
2.                  Using a sterile wire loop, I collected colonies of the test organism and emulsified in 3ml of sterile physiological saline.
3.                  I them matched the turbidity of the suspension to the turbidity standard.
4.                  Using a sterile swab I inoculated the agar plate, removing excess fluid by pressing and rotating the swab against the slide of the tube.
5.                  I then placed the disc on the inoculated plates making sure that the diseases are correctly placed.
6.                  Within 30 minutes of applying the discs I inverted the plates and incubated it aerobically at 35oC for 18 hours.
7.                  After this I then measured the zone of inhibition.

            Baseline comparism were assessed using chi-square (X2) test analysis were appropriate and statistical significant was reached at P > 0.05.
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