Restatement of the Problem

            Certain conditions or factors can make workers to perform effectively or ineffectively on their jobs. Generally, evidence or efficiency is seen in the attitude of a worker towards the job. There have been a number of factors which are responsible for job dissatisfaction among workers. These include lack of interest in the work, poor salaries and poor conditions of service. Business Education Teachers like other workers tend to be affected by the factors enumerated above.
The effect of poor conditions of service on the educational system has been identified to include drift of competent teachers from the classroom to the industries (FME 1986, Mbata 1990). Lack of motivation tends to force Business education teachers to engage in personal commercial pursuits such as setting up of typing pools, auditing accounts of firms and engaging in part time lectures in private schools and higher institution (Ojukwu, 1988).
            With the high rate of Business teachers attraction and poor public image, resulting from the poor socio-economic status, there is the fear that the chances of realizing the nations goal towards self-reliance is remote. Therefore the main purpose of this study was to identify the factors that motivate secondary  school   Business   education   teachers   for  better  performance   in Abakaliki Education zone. Specifically, the study sought to.
1.        Determine the factors that motivate workers to work.
2.        Determine the conditions under which Business Education teachers work
3.        Determine the conditions under which workers work.
4.        Identify the factors that would motivate Business Education Teachers for    better performance.
            In order to achieve these specific purposes, fair specific questions were      addressed in this study:
These questions include:
1.        What are the factors that motivate workers to work?
2.        What are the conditions under which workers to work?
3.        What are the conditions under which Business Education Teachers work?
4.       What are the factors that motivate Business Education teachers for better     performance?
1.      Is there any significant differences between the mean responses of the male and female Business Education teachers on the factors that motivate them for better performance?
2.      Is there any significant difference in the mean responses of the male and female Business Education teachers on conditions under which they work?
            The population for the study comprised 50 Business Education teachers made up of 23 male teachers and 27 female teachers. The entire population was used for the study because the sample was small.
            Data were analyzed by means of standard derivation and t-test statistics
(see appendix c)

Summary of Procedure Used
            A survey research design was employed for this study hence the data were collected by means of questionnaire. The target population for the study consisted of all 50 Business Education Teachers in Abakaliki Education Zone.
            The entire population was used for the study because the sample was small.   48 Business Education   Teachers    completed   and   returned    the questionnaire. Data collected were analysed by means of mean, standard u.    deviation and T - test statistics.

Summary of Findings
            The major findings of the study were as follows:
1.      The major factors that motivate workers to work were: Higher salary, regular annual pay increment, fringe benefits, job security, chance for promotion, participation in decision making, recreational facilities, job autonomy of supervision and interest, in the job.
2.      It  was  found  that  workers  worked  under  the  conditions   in  which allowance in terms of housing, transportation, Annual leave and medical services  were  poor.   They also worked under the condition where


            Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion were drawn:
1.      That motivational factors like higher salary, regular annual pay increment, fringe benefits, job security, chance for promotion, participation in decision-making, recreational facilities, job autonomy of supervision and interest in the job should always be provided and reverenced constantly to enhance productivity among workers.
2.      To enhance workers' better performance on the job the identified poor conditions such as allowance in terms of housing, transportation, annual leave, medical service, free time in terms of relaxation, lunch and conference should be improved upon.
3.      To enhance Business Education-Teachers’ efficiency on their job, the identified poor conditions such as salary, availability of stimulation, facilities like model office plan, instructional facilities like cassette and textbook should be adequate.
4.      Motivational factors like higher salary, fringe benefits, proper placement, merit raise,  favourable work environment,  adequate  equipment  like typewriters,   Data   processing   machines   and   adequate   instructional facilities e.t.c should be provided and reviewed constantly to enhance productivity and better performance among Business Education Teachers.

            Based on the findings of this study and the conclusions drawn from it, the
following recommendations were made:
1.         The   government   should   provide   fund   to   the   vocational   Business   Education section of the educational sector to ensure regular payment of            salaries, other fringe benefits to business education teachers.
2.        Both government at federal, state and local levels should provide adequate             equipment like computers electric typewriters, projectors, Data processing    machines e.t.c to ensure effective teaching and leaning of business courses.
3.        The state education management Board should ensure that only Business
            educators are posted as principals to schools offering business courses to   ensure that business teachers are accorded their due recognition.
4.        Government should aid business educators in the implementation of some
            capital projects through salary advances and housing loans which could be                        deducted from their salaries instalmentally.
5.         The community should help in stimulating business education teachers'      interest to work by donating adequate equipment, instructional facilities and       by giving monetary incentives to hard working teachers in schools in their         locality during P.T.A meetings.
5.      The school principals should encourage effectiveness among business education teachers by according them recognition, giving them merit raise, certificate of merit and recommending them for promotions.

Suggestion for further Research
Further research should be conducted in the following areas:
1.      Factors that motivate Business Education teachers for better performance in other education zones in Ebonyi State.
2.      The improvement of teaching and learning of Business Education in Abakaliki Education Zone.

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